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27 Aug

Dominican Government will promote recovery of the Tourism sector


We wanted to share some of the new measures being offered to tourists by the new government in the Dominican Republic led by Mr. Luis Abinader. These are great measures that further underline the government’s commitment to safe travel in the Dominican Republic.

Dominican Government will promote recovery of the Tourism sector:

The president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader Corona, announced today alongside the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, a set of initiatives to confront the challenges faced by the tourism sector as a result of the current pandemic and this way guaranteeing that the country is a safe travel destination.

“The Responsible Tourism Recovery Plan for COVID-19”, led by the President himself, will contribute to caring for the health, well-being and safety of tourists and will also promote a sustainable recovery of the tourism sector.

The plan presented by the government provides a set of measures to guarantee the health and safety of both Dominican and foreign tourists. These measures will include new internationally certified sanitary protocols and will include the entire industry, including restaurants and bars.

Measures include:

  • Starting at the end of September, random tests of rapid application will be carried out upon arrival to the country, such as the breathalyzer test for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Once this measure has been put in practice, the requirement for a negative COVID-19 test prior to the visit will be eliminated.
  • RD $ 420 million investment towards promotion and agreements with airlines to ensure flight routes, economic support, fiscal flexibility, monetary measures and a guarantee fund.
  • The use of masks and social distancing, will remain essential during the stay in the country, will be mandatory.
  • Starting at the end of September, all tourists visiting a hotel will be temporarily granted a travel assistance plan that will include emergency coverage, telehealth services, extended stay and flight change costs coverage if COVID-19 related. This insurance will be provided at no cost to the visitor until December 2020, covered 100% by the Dominican Government.
  • A Sanitary Bubble will be implemented to ensure that hotel employees stay within their facilities for as long as possible.
  • Effective management will be carried out in regards to suppliers, contractors and employees. There will be a strict dynamic in regards to leaving and entering the hotel premises along with constant testing.    
  • Labor regulations are in the process of being adapted to minimize and mitigate risks for employees.
  • The government said that the protocols are in the process of being certified both Safe Travels of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and Buró Veritas, both world leaders in certifications in the sector.

These efforts will be accompanied by an effective communication plan through all channels and points of contact with tourists and allies to let everyone know that the Dominican Republic is a safe country to travel. The communication plan includes training, detailed material, constant updating and optimization of search mechanisms.